Fair Price & Importance of Customer Location

The location has always been an important factor in retail. It is gaining an all new meaning with retailers detecting customer location inside the store and offering range of services to make their trip more enjoyable and engaging.

Largest supermarket in Singapore is working on an innovative indoor positioning system which can detect customer location within a store. Indoor positioning will enable the retailer to enhance the shopping experience with wayfinding capabilities and in-store promotions delivered in real time on customer mobile phones.  Customers can receive optimized in-store directions to products saved in their shopping list, receive contextual & location-based personalized notifications making customers aware of best details exclusively available for them.

For long, online retailers have been at an advantage of knowing their customer’s journey and being able to offer personalized experience along their path to purchase.  In-store positioning promises to bring Brick and mortar retailers at par with online retailers. The technology seamlessly integrates mobile apps and physical stores to deliver a personalized experience to customers currently restricted to only the online channels.

For a detailed understanding of this deployment, download this case study

For a quick overview download this Datasheet

If you are interested in a 15 min. discovery call with Manthan, do write to us at online.enquiries@manthan.com

Author- 73criz

The Editorial Board comprises technologists, data experts, thought leaders and marketing gurus. We are dedicated in helping business leaders unlock the true potential of analytics.

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