Riding the Rollercoaster: Your Approach to Customer Journey Marketing
According to the Harvard Business Review it can cost anywhere between five to 25 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing customer.
Why Customer Data Platform Is A Must Have In Retail Today?
Personalization is daunting as customers today interact with brands through a variety of channels both online and offline. The collection of customer data is scattered in legacy systems – with departments such as sales, marketing and customer service holding information in silos.
14 Metrics that Impact Customer Churn in Fashion Retail
Knowing the metrics that impact your churn can help you better understand why your customers are
disengaged. By identifying potential churners before they leave, retailers can take proactive steps to
neutralize it.
A Tech Reboot: Why Are Fashion Companies Building Their In House Analytics Competencies?
This article looks at the various reasons why fashion businesses have moved from the traditional outsourcing model to building up their in-house competencies
5 Steps to Mastering Customer Journey Focused Marketing in Retail
Consumer facing businesses are crippled by every-growing touchpoints and siloed systems that don’t speak to each other. A complete overhaul of these legacy technologies isn’t an option – it is cost prohibitive with a long-drawn-out time to value.
How to Align Marketing Lifecycle with Customer Lifecycle for Profitability
Analyzing customer data provides insights on some unique buying behavior and also indicate the different journeys that various customer groups traverse.