Articles in Category : Retail Insights

Retail Data Monetization
Retail Data Monetization: Are you sitting on top of a retail goldmine?   Vineeth Abraham     August 18, 2015  Retail Insights , Supplier Collaboration , Supply Chain Retailers have a treasure trove in their retail trade data, which if shared with the suppliers though proper data sharing platforms can generate a steady revenue stream....


Retail Safety Stock
Do Not Let Safety Stock Hold You Down: Stock What Your Customers Want   Vineeth Abraham     June 23, 2015  Retail Insights , Supplier Collaboration , Supply Chain Improved visibility and streamlined processes can help retailers optimize safety stock levels. It will not only improve inventory management and assortment at store level but also bring accuracy in demand forecasting. All this, while freeing hold up cash in the form of buffer stocks - easing pressur...


Trade Promotion Funding
Smarter Trade Promotions Funding for Smart Retailers   Vineeth Abraham     May 12, 2015  Retail Insights , Supplier Collaboration , Supply Chain Retailers can better utilize supplier funds for promotions, share promotion insights real time and recover the investments made for promotions much faster with portal based collaboration....


Collaborative category management
Can Collaborative Category Management Drive Sustainable Like-for-Like Growth in Retail?   Vineeth Abraham     April 7, 2015  Retail Insights , Supplier Collaboration , Supply Chain If there is one reason as to why retail companies can have a healthy bottom line, it is because of their 'like-for-like' (LFL) growth. But sustaining growth in the LFL stores is a challenge faced across geographies and retailers. ...


Suppliers downstream data
Top 3 insights that suppliers gain from downstream data   Ajith Nayar     November 25, 2014  Retail Data Sharing , Retail Insights , Supplier Collaboration Best practices for retailers and suppliers for effective retailer-supplier collaboration....


Retailer-supplier cross-channel data sharing
Top 3 Benefits of Retailer-Supplier Cross-Channel Data Sharing   Ajith Nayar     November 25, 2014  Retail Data Sharing , Retail Insights , Supplier Collaboration Today, shoppers want a seamless retail experience across different channels. Retailers and suppliers need to share cross-channel data to provide a unified and targeted shopping experience....


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